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Pass custom data to Flow

Step template: Wait for Chat (RWC)

In embedded chat, you can pass any data to Flow by specifing properties in the pageData object.

pageData object example

pageData: {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe'
pageData: {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe'


Find full code in the collapsible below

Open full code
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    var RWC = richWebChat.default
    var app
    if (app) { app.destroy() }
    var app = new RWC({
      container: '#rwc',
      chatUrl: '',
      autoExpandDelay: 0,
      position: 'bottom-right',
      inviteMessage: undefined,
      inviteButton: undefined,
      inviteImage: undefined,
      allowChangeChatWindowSize: true,
      allowDrag: true,
      showCloseIcon: true,
      openChatAriaLabel: 'OPEN THIS CHAT',
      widgetColor: '#bba381',
      animation: 'pulse',
      pageData: {
        firstName: 'John',
        lastName: 'Doe'
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    var RWC = richWebChat.default
    var app
    if (app) { app.destroy() }
    var app = new RWC({
      container: '#rwc',
      chatUrl: '',
      autoExpandDelay: 0,
      position: 'bottom-right',
      inviteMessage: undefined,
      inviteButton: undefined,
      inviteImage: undefined,
      allowChangeChatWindowSize: true,
      allowDrag: true,
      showCloseIcon: true,
      openChatAriaLabel: 'OPEN THIS CHAT',
      widgetColor: '#bba381',
      animation: 'pulse',
      pageData: {
        firstName: 'John',
        lastName: 'Doe'

Flow example

You can access these values through the Wait for Chat (RWC) Step Merge field.

Flow example


As you can see the data was succesfully passed to the Flow and used as a Merge field value.



You can specify any structure of the pageData prop:

  text: 'some text',
  nestedProp: {
    someNumber: 1,
    someBool: true,
    anotherNestedProp: {
      textFromNested: 'text from nested'
  text: 'some text',
  nestedProp: {
    someNumber: 1,
    someBool: true,
    anotherNestedProp: {
      textFromNested: 'text from nested'